ADS Defense Courses

At American Defense Structures, we don’t believe protection begins inside your Safe Room or behind Ballistic Doors…it begins when are able to avoid a conflict or intrusion altogether.

95% of attacks and intrusions can be avoided through proper Defense in Depth training.  This begins by using your most powerful weapon, your mind.  Our professionals will teach you how to avoid almost all potential threats beginning with Situational Awareness.

From there, we teach you how to defend yourself if your are attacked…not just with a gun or a knife, but by using almost anything and everything that is around you. If a threat makes its way past your multi-layered defense, your only option is to use these skills to get to your safe room or safe area.

You will learn how not only to avoid and defend for yourself, but for others around you.  Keeping your loved ones safe is equally if not more important than having the ability to take care for yourself.

Begin your path to becoming your own best weapon by enrolling in our next Pre-Fense class.  From there you can expand your skills with other professionally taught classes such as Edged Weapons, Improvised Weapons, Firearms Training. 


Upcoming Courses


Full Course Offerings


Situational Awareness Courses

PreFense (Awareness Training)

Situational Awareness, Threat Identification, Personal Risk Management

Dynamics of Person Security

Controlling Distance, Position Relative to Threat, Movement to Safety

Environmental Decision Making

Learn to apply the concepts of situational awareness through practical application exercises.


Less-Lethal Courses

Dynamics of Personal Defense

Learn the three elements of controlling any physical altercation without ever raising your hands or using a weapon allowing you to avoid, mitigate or defend yourself and others against a violent physical attack

OC Spray Defense

Learn the legal and practical application of OC (pepper) spray for personal defense.

Impact Weapons Defense

Learn to use any improvised impact weapon you can get in your hands such as a hand-held flashlight, rolled-up magazine, toilet plunger, dowel, rolling pin, umbrella and the like to defend yourself and others against a violent physical attack

Defensive Walking Stick

The walking stick/ cane can be used as an effective defensive weapon. However, unlike a gun or a knife, it can be carried on an airplane and in countries where both firearms and edged weapons are not permitted

Flexible Weapons Defense

Learn to use the likes of a dish towel, trash can liner, a t-shirt, your belt, a purse strap, handkerchief or scarf to defend yourself and others against a violent physical attack


Non-Ballistic Courses

Improvised Weapons Defense

Identification, selection and using weapons of opportunity in self-defense

Edged Weapon Defense

Selection, Access/Carry/Deployment, Use in Personal Defense

Course Information Coming Soon

Karambit (Curved Blade)

Selection, Access, Carry, Deployment & Operation, Use for Personal Defense

Protective Agents I

Tactics to protect your family

Course Information Coming Soon

Home Defense Tactics

Building search, room clearing and developing a home protection plan.


Ballistic Courses


Enhanced AZ CCW - 8 Hour

Classroom meets the legal requirements plus live fire training/drawing from concealment

AZ CCW Class - 4 Hour

This class meets the legal requirements to apply for your AZ CCW



Intro to Handgun

Safety, Operation, Selection

Foundational Skills

Fundamentals of marksmanship, visual center and building the shooting process

Practical Shooting Skills

Reloads, Malfunction Drills, One Handed Shooting, Drawing from a holster (in front of "reloads")

EDC Tactics

Concealed Draw, Movement, Use of Cover

Course Information Coming Soon

Low Light Tactics

Use of a flashlight, search tactics, shoot/no shoot

Course Information Coming Soon

Protective Agent Level II

Protective services movement of people with a gun out (live fire)

Course Information Coming Soon

Shoot/Don’t Shoot

Apply the legal parameters of use of force to practical shooting situations

Fighting with a Handgun

Fighting to your handgun, fighting with a handgun, fighting to your feet

Course Information Coming Soon



Intro to Rifle

Safety, Operation, Loading/Unloading

Rifle Foundational Skills

Fundamentals of Marksmanship, Zeroing & Positional Shooting

Practical Rifle Skills

Use of a sling, Reloading, Malfunction Drills

Defensive Rifle Skills

Safety, Operation and Defensive Application



Defensive Shotgun

Safety, Operation and Defensive Application



Precision Rifle

Safety, Operation, Fundamentals of Marksmanship, Zeroing & Target Engagement